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如何写好商业信函(四) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2002-08-03

    Letter—writing skills are important whether the message is nice or nasty, he adds. “if you're going to repossess somebody's home unless they pay you, you have an obligation to be clear. Give it straight, talk to people like fellow adults."
    “The key thing is to explain: ‘We would like you to write to us, we want to sort this out, and these are the steps that will follow if you don't ring us…'"
    If you do not answer a letter of comˉplaint with a good letter, you get what we call attrition, with the customer writing again, Mr Morris warns. And other kinds of letter need just as much care in the way they are drafted. “Some customers write in with ideas and suggestions, or to say thank you. And they don't get a reply for weeks."
    As part of its service, the Letterhouse advises companies on how to tackle a backlog of correspondence, a problem exacerbated by the advent of e—mail. “People expect an e—mail reply on the same day," says Mr Morris. “Some busines ses take weeks."
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