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Visit With The rise of the neig hborly intransitive By William Safire [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2001-10-08

    “Vice President Chene y has a com p letel y o p en door”to members of Con g ress,said the Bush counselor Karen Hu g hes last month on ABC's“Ni g htline.”“He's alwa y s available to visit with an y member who'd like to visit with him.”
    Press Secretar y Ari Fleischer recalled the da y s when Georg e W.Bush,as g overnor of Texas,would“dro p b y and visit with various le g islators of both p arties.”
    John McCain's recent g et—to g ether with the Democratic leader,Tom Daschle,was described in The New York Times as“Mr.Daschle's hi g hl y p ublicized weekend visit with Senator John McCain.”Elizabeth Becker,a Times collea g ue,notes that“the p olitical use of visit with is ram-p ant.Not visit to,j ust visit,and rarel y meet——alwa y s visit with.W here is it from?”
    The South. L y ndon Johnson used that venerable Southern Americanism when he introduced the Votin g Ri g hts Act of 1965,tellin g a j oint session of Con g ress he was g rateful for the chance“to reason with m y friends,to g ive them m y views and to visit with m y former collea g ues.”
    W hat does the p re p osition with do to the verb visit?It milks out most of the action, makin g the verb intransitive and chan g in g its tone from p ur p oseful to nei g hborl y.“To sa y that John McCain visited with Tom Daschle,”sa y s Leonard Zwillin g,g eneral editor at the Dictionar y of American Re g ional En g lish(DARE),“im p lies a friendl y exchan ge of views,as o pp osed to met with, which could j ust as well su gg est that the y had a flamin g set—to.”
    Visit does not mean visit with.You can visit a p lace or a p erson,but y ou can visit with p eo p le onl y. In his 1927“We,”the aviator Charles A.Lindber g h,who had j ust visited France,wrote of“Perr y ville, Mo., where we visited with some of Klink's friends.”
    In his Webster's Dictionar y of En g lish Usa g e,E.Ward Gilman adds a nice distinction:“To sa y that y ou‘visited with’someone usuall y im p lies not onl y that y ou conversed,but that y ou went a bit out of y our wa y for the sake of some friendl y talk.”Senator Wa y ne Allard of Colorado sensed that distinction earlier this month,thankin g Defense De p artment nominees“for takin g time to dro p b y m y office and visit with me p ersonall y.”
    Let mo g uls continue to take meetin g s;let confrontationalists visit im p recations on one another;let trustees descend on colle g es with stern visitations,and let Lad y Macbeth fear“no com p unctious visitin g s of nature,”but remember———toda y's successful p oliticians sailed smoothl y into the era of sweet,non p art-isan visits with.
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