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生活的教训 LESSONS OF LIFE(趣味英语) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2001-06-01

    ●可用的时间越少,我做完的事情越多。(尹宏毅 译)
    By Andy Rooney (A man who has the gift of saying much with so few words)
    I've learned...
    That when y ou're in love,it shows.
    That y ou should never sa y no to a g ift from a child.
    That sometimes all a p erson needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.
    That life is like a roll of toilet p a p er. The closer it g ets to the end,the faster it g oes.
    That to i g nore the facts does not chan g e the facts.
    That when y ou p lan to g et even with someone,y ou are onl y lettin g that p erson continue to hurt y ou.
    That love,not time,heals all wounds.
    That the easiest wa y for me to g row as a p erson is to surround m y self with p eo p le smarter than I am.
    That there's nothin g sweeter than slee p in g with y our babies and feelin g their breath on y our cheeks.
    That o pp ortunities are never lost;someone will take the ones y ou miss.
    That when y ou harbor bitterness,ha pp iness will dock elsewhere.
    That I wish I could have told m y Mom that I love her one more time before she p assed awa y.
    That a smile is an inex p ensive wa y to im p rove y our looks.
    That ever y one wants to live on to p of the mountain,but all the ha pp iness and g rowth occurs while y ou're climbin g it.
    That it is best to g ive advice in onl y two circumstances:when it is re q uested and when it is a life—threatenin g situation.
    That the less time I have to work with,the more thin gs I get done.
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