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抠门到家了 Charity Begins at Home [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2001-04-27

    A local charit y office realized that it had never received a donation from the town's most successful law y er.The p erson in char g e of contributions called to p ersuade him to contribute.
    “Our research shows that out of a y earl y in-come of at least ¥500,000,y ou g ive not a p enn y to charit y.Wouldn't y ou like to g ive back to the communit y in some way?”
    The law y er mulled this over for a moment and re p lied,“First,did y our research also show that m y mother is d y in g after a lon g illness,and has medical bills that are several times her annual income?”
    Embarrassed,the re p mumbled,“Um...no.”
    “Or that m y brother,a disabled veteran,is blind and confined to a wheelchair?”
    The stricken re p be g an to stammer out an a p olo g y but was interru p ted,“...or that m y sister's husband died in a traffic accident,”the law y er's voice risin g in indi g nation,“leavin g her p enniless with three children?!”
    The humiliated re p,com p letel y beaten,said sim p l y,“I had no idea...”
    On a roll,the law y er cut him off once a g ain,“...and if I don't g ive them a p enn y, wh y should I g ive an y to y ou?!”
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