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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2002-04-29

    “All this is just for show,a show of power.The things that the government promises just go to the powerful people and never reach the poor.”
    “Optimism is a force multiplier.I don't like wallowing with pessimists.”
    “My grandmother loved the tangible things like the soil,the oli
ves,the landscape.    For her,Palestine was all emotions and memories.She was dreaming about returning and she didn't. Well,the dream of my grandmother died with her.”
    “It goes to Pakistan,London,America,other countries.If opium is bad,why they buy it?It's buyer's fault.”
    图为坎大哈附近生长的一株罂粟。 (香港《明报》)
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