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商务会议之道 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 正序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2002-02-28

    The impression you make on a business colˉleague isn't complete unˉtil you've concluded your meeting. Partings are as important as greetings, and they can affect the relationship you're trying to build. In a well—conducted meeting, the progression from small talk to business to the conclusion should be gradual and graceful.An impatient and disrespectful parting can destroy a successful meeting.
    In most countries, the visitor is expected to initiate the closing of a meeting, since it would be rude for the host to do so. If a host ended a meeting,that would be considered the same as asking the visitor to leave. In China, Korea, and other Asian countries it is the responsibility of the host to signal the end of the meeting, and the visitor should watch for signs that it is time to go.
    In general,you shouldn't rush a business meeting. Make sure you understand the agenda and the overall purpose of the gathering so you'll know what to expect during the course of the meeting. As the discussion progresses,you will be able to keep track of the topics that need to be covered. This will help you have a sense for when the meeting is getting close t
o the end.
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