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双语财经 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2001-09-28

    At close to $30 a barrel, oil p rices are antici p a-tin g war. 
    While the threat of US re p risals han g s over Middle East states linked to terrorism the y ma y remain hi g h. 
    But the g loom han g in g over economic g rowth will act as a countervailin g force, even if air strikes hit oil p roducers.
    It is estimated that a 1 p er cent dro p in g lobal gross domestic p roduct would reduce crude oil demand b y 400,000 barrels a da y. 
    That is 40 p er cent of ex p ected su pp l y g rowth next y ear. 
    Whichever wa y the oil p rice reacts, it is alread y dragg in g down the US econom y after tri p lin g since 1998.
    Since 1973, oil p rice s p ikes have usuall y led to increases in US unem p lo y ment. 
    Au g ust's rise in j oblessness ma y not be the last — but the slowin g econom y ma y then dra g down the oil p rice.
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