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双语财经 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2001-08-31

    While investors in the stock market lose sleep trying to second—guess the equity market's volatility, venture capitalists on both sides of the Atlantic are putting together newprivate e quity funds and sizing up potential bar g ains.
    Most p rivate e q uit y s pecialists a  gree there is plenty of mone y to be invested in the levera ged buy—out market. 
    This is es p eciall y so in Euro p e, where several US firms have set u p local offices to scout for deals, and the continuin g restructurin g of Euro p e con g lomerates is creat-in g p lent y of assets for sale.
    Euro p ean levera g ed loan volumes for the first q uarter of 2001 rose almost 50 p er cent to $12.74bn com p ared with the first q uarter of 2000. 
    The fi gure indicates that banks are still a strong source of funding for venture ca pitalists, des pite the shrinking pool of lenders caused by banking consolidation.
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